Minutes for MPJC meeting for May 25

Present: Lois, Peter, Ellyn, Rey

Old Business

1. Approval of Minutes: We decided to wait until the next meeting to do this since only four people - Peter, Ellyn, Rey, and Lois were able to attend.

2. Progress Reports
a. Town Hall Meeting to showcase alternatives to Bush ideas (Ellyn) - we did not discuss this

b. MPJC statement on Immigration Reform (Caroline, Paul, Lee): We did not discuss this.

c. April 29th solidarity event (Paul): No such event occurred.

d. CLAP project (Carol): We did not discuss this in any detail. Ellyn would like more information on the economic consequences to the workers. She thought we should write a follow-up letter to Jenkins as he has not responded to our previous letter.

e. IPJN Summit (Peter, Caroline): Peter reported that it went well. There was a lot of interest and many good sessions. He spent most of the time at the MPJC table.

f. Memorial Day parade presence(Lois): Lois got sick and also totaled her car and was unable to keep up with this. MPJC will not have a presence in the West-side parade.

3. Treasurer's Report: Glenda Rae could not attend.

New Business

1. Literature Table at the Artist Festival: Ellyn will try to get dates and details. We all agreed it was very worth while to have a table there last year. We tried to remember when was the LaSalle park festival at which we had a table last year, but could not.

2. Fall Elections - What can we do to influence the candidates (Ellyn): We did not discuss this

3. Move-on House Party: We celebrated with a spaghetti dinner and rhubarb crisp with ice cream.

4. CPNV request to use vigil as action during Oct 30, CO conference. (Liz): We agreed to approve this request

5. Future of Saturday vigil: There have been 3 or 4 people the last couple of weeks. Ellyn will announce it each week on the list serve. We will continue to sponsor this event and try to increase participation.

6. Topic of the Month: Nothing new here.

7. Other topics and issues: Lois asked us to call or write our congressman to support Mike Thompson's resolution for no permanent bases, no control of Iraq's resources, and pull out of Iraq by September 30 or earlier.

Lois announced that tax day went well - they gave out 900 brochures, and had at least two people out at all times. She had brought materials to prop up extra signs so folks could read them as they approached. There was still a line of cars at 11;45pm.

8. Next meeting: We will meet on Tuesday, June 6, at 7pm at 1036 N. Niles Ave.